She sat there sipping black
, so much of it that she wondered if it would turn her blood black. Black blood was a thing. She read about it in a
Jo Nesbo
novel. If you stabbed someone in the liver you would watch the
pour out black.
Apparently there were enzymes there that converted the blackness of coffee into something else so that you wouldn't blacken on the inside. Sometimes when she would get thirsty after too many coffees she would drink the water hurriedly, wondering what the difference was between water and blood. Blood and
. There wasn't much of a difference if you were to look at things from a chemistry point of view. In fact little differences seemed to matter so much.
If you were stuck in the ocean surrounded by salty water, it was all useless. Your
would excrete more and more of your blood out to the ocean, and the saltiness of the ocean would not be able to give you more blood. You would soon die.
She looked at her coffee mug, and got up for another refill