On any given evening he knew what he preferred. But then again letting go of something. Leaving something behind, was different than having it wasn't it?
A woman from
used to hang out at one of my go to bars during her stay here. She'd been working on publishing some papers and wanted to get out of her home country for a few months. Well anyway, something she said has stuck with me.
In a relationship, the woman needs to always break up with the man. The man will never do it. No matter how painful it gets, they'll just hold on.
"but wait men break up with women all the time."
Now that's a real man she said. A man who's willing to break up with you. That's the kind of man a woman wants. It's the same as how climbers don't want to fall and die, but they want that possibility. Without that chance they wouldn't get the same thrill.