
first lagers at the bar as reply to Worst Case

Abraham Kim
IPA beer Brooklyn Lager Dortmunder Gold
"What are you going to have?" Johnny peered chin down at the drinks menu. It was mostly beer, but there were some liquors.

"Probably a nice lager. I'm sick of all these ales. Especially the IPAs."

Johnny looked away from the menu, directly at Max. "You know I was thinking the same...

never judged as reply to Did This

Abraham Kim
beer PBR Imogen Howe
McKayla's roommate would judge her for sleeping with one of her customers. Someone from out of town at that. How long had she even known him? Less than two weeks. Yet she felt like Marc Love had known her her whole life.

At the bar he ordered them her favorite  beer...

special order as reply to Kings of the Beach

Abraham Kim
beer Coors Stickman Big Red
Mondavi had a thirst for some light beer to complement these memories of Stickman . A Big Red liquor was around the corner up ahead so he swung in. "Which light beer would Stick drink?" he thought to himself. Once at the back fridge with the beer s he decided...

calvin's excuse as reply to Go Inside

Abraham Kim
Imogen Howe beer cigarette
Inside the noise reverberated. Laughs. Screaming conversations. A guitar was playing. Derek sung a tune that sounded Irish.

Girls were in spaghetti straps; boys in shorts and tanktops or light, breathable cotton tees.

It was dark except for the glow of yellowish lamps. Everybody was either smiling or nodding with eyes half...

my god as reply to To the Ground

Abraham Kim
Seaside Rest blue beer guns war black
"A shooting? Down by the Seaside Rest you say?" the tanned, lean forearm powered the hand that was holding a brown bottle of lager. Between the index finger and thumb was dark blue star tattoo. The blue was dark enough that most would describe it as black .

"Yeah! And even...

in aarons basement as reply to Just Heard

Abraham Kim
gas SUV Busch Light beer
Jack. Jack. Jack.

that was the same name as the kid that those kids were looking for. Couldn't be the same guy though right? fuck what was his occupation? His description.

He didn't remember shit because he was too busy counting down the time to the record. Fuck. What was that kid's...

sweat in the kitchen as reply to Thank you

Abraham Kim
beer New York udon
He needed a  beer .

His shift was only half done. This was the worst part. Stuck in the middle. At least a liter of sweat lost in this hot kitchen. Hot and loud. The fan they had spinning to ventilate the kitchen made it feel like they were working nearby...

after pizza as reply to On the Cold

Abraham Kim
New York belly beer
Joey wiped the curst off his lips then dusted his fingers onto the tray. And then he wiped the grease off onto napkin that reminded him of paper towel.

For a moment he wished he was back home. What was he doing here?

That feeling quickly disappeared when he went outside. It's...

whatever you say, partner as reply to Looking For

Abraham Kim
beer Youtube Netflix
He needed a  beer . It was a sunny afternoon with crisp air. It made his skin feel neither dry or oily. In college he would often take such afternoons off. He would go to a bar with a patio and drink cold beer while watching people pass by.

There was...

the day he broke as reply to Until Now

Abraham Kim
New York beer
The man who had lost his hat on the boat. He had always been a supremely happy man.

The worst things could happen. He would take them in stride. Saw the positive side to anything.

It was a wet, chilly  New York afternoon. Jittery from half a coffee too much. Nursing a ...

the lighter as reply to James didn't mind

Abraham Kim
whiskey liquor store bar beer
The night before the big job, James went to a bar where nobody knew him.

Ordered a whiskey . More expensive than the  liquor store . But reasonably priced, all bars considered.

He traded remarks with the bartender. Had a chat with a few strangers who sat down alone by him.

The first...

Doug 30 - Nobody reads as reply to Let me Read!

Abraham Kim
autobiography beer books
"Who even reads books   these days?"


"So why are you writing one."

"Plenty of people still write books."

"So let me get this straight. You're telling me nobody reads. But people still write?"

Jack's autobiographer nodded.

"Also what's this mess with Jackoff calling you his autobiographer? Doesn't he know what an  autobiography even means?"

"I don't...

pbr and jim beam as reply to All alone

Abraham Kim
police credit card Spacecity beer Jim Beam PBR tallboy
In the alley of a no name city. No where you could get a direct flight to from a major city. There was a smell. In the heat of summer, it permeated quick and far. Someone reported it. The police arrived within an hour.

A tall blonde woman covered her nose....

lets get this over with as reply to Vegetables

Abraham Kim
Lexus hospital Westcity beer Busch Light gatorade Thirsty Thursday
"Why aren't you eating anything?"

Dick looked up. Jimmy had his palms faced up.

"Come on. Aren't you hungry?"

"No. Not really."

Jimmy said nothing. But it seemed like he was waiting for permission to scarf down Dick's omelet.

"Why don't you have this."

"No way? Thanks, man!"

Casey was out of the house. Going to get...

fun as reply to I got you

Abraham Kim
tallboys beer
Back at home the hunger came. Maybe not hunger. When Dick thought about it his belly was still full. Instead his mouth was craving something. Something sweet, sour, and crispy. Like Chinese food. They had just feasted an hour earlier and here he was: craving something new. He wondered whether...

feast for two as reply to Some Coffee

Abraham Kim
coffee beer credit cards Ethiopian
Jimmy took a sip of the  coffee with his yes closed. Mid grade. Decent. not good. Not bad.

He kept his eyes closed and took another long sip. Then he opened them and saw the branding on it. It was his favorite cafe. Suddenly the coffee tasted better.

"you got any plans...

bar habits as reply to He needed

Abraham Kim
As soon as he arrived at the bar, he had a beer in hand. The golden lager vanished in three gulps. A long, loud belch escaped from his barrel chest. Some people at the bar peered over. His coworkers laughed. The bartender got him his second beer un prompted.

That beer...

moving as reply to You Gotta See This

Abraham Kim
Chipotle beer diner Nicolas Cage wine Gas City
"Why's this son of a gun drive all that way?"

"Mexican food."



"Keith. You know that ain't damn Mexican food."

"Whatever. I don't care if  Chipotle is Mexican or not. Look at this."

"What am I looking at?"

Keith pointed to the bottom right corner of the dashboard and began to explain.


Dave never thought he'd...

live for two things as reply to Attention

Abraham Kim
beer frisbee disease
"What the hell took you so long?"

"You won't fucking believe. I almost. I almost hit a bunch of fucking kids!"

"You did?"

He hadn't. But he didn't want to rephrase or explain what had actually happened.

"I took their  frisbee though. Look."

"Now why did you do that?"

"I don't know," James shrugged without looking...

there as reply to A friend

Abraham Kim
beer friends life Suburban Hyundai cigarette Spacecity
"I'd like a  beer as well."

Denver raised his hand. It took ten seconds. His voice wheezed through the air. He'd taken his oxygen mask  off. Marc Love had already gotten up but Denver swatted him away.

The waiter acknowledged the request. Gave the two younger men a look that asked 'is...

tight as reply to The Theory

Abraham Kim
Spacecity beer weed Westcity electricity poop
electricity was free up here. They had solar panels facing straight out into the sun. And boy did the station eat up a lot of juice. So many computers and appliances everywhere. And the whole infrastructure that allows people to survive inside of  Spacecity . the mechanism that taks the...

newcomer as reply to Old Tape Player

Abraham Kim
Technology TikTok beer
The newcomer was whacking the old tape player with a little brush. That's all the newcomer had been doing with his free time since arrival two weeks ago. Strange behavior, Sanderson thought. You got three hours of freedom a day. Why spend it whacking some arcane Technology ?

Wouldn't it be...

bizarre cowboy as reply to Steve

Abraham Kim
IPA beer Frank Sinatra
When Steve walked in holding a pack of  IPA s Lindsay was livid. They couldn't afford that shit. But the smile on his face stopped her. How could she be mad at that puppy dog face.

I got a big tip today. So i'm treating us.

He told her bout the weird...

ten-gallon man as reply to Bird or the Cat

Abraham Kim
beer Rolls-Royce ten-gallon hat
Get me a damn beer .

No not this one. The other one.

The kid gave an asking look.

You drink it. The man said while pointing at him. Get me the right damn beer this time, boy.

The kid went and got a can. Cracked it open. Saw his fingers remove some of...

dome as reply to Found Out

Abraham Kim
sun beer brain gin liver
At a rest stop off the desert highway, Denver took out a sanitized straight razor. The man in the expensive suit was snoring. The sun shining into his eyes as he drove had put him to sleep in the dead of day. The man refused to wear any of the...

calm night as reply to 007

Abraham Kim
Netflix beer high school
Mia ended up ghosting me. She said I could interrogate her tonight. But she never showed up. I stayed up drinking a few beers while cleaning the apartment. And then I fell asleep. I tried putting something on  Netflix , but it was boring. Something was different about tonight. I...

youngstas as reply to Carl

Abraham Kim
beer AI old school
Drinking  beer in dim rooms was how Carl liked to spend his free time. He couldn't get with the youngsters and what they did. Generating content that was tailor made for them using  AI . Carl was  old school . Couldn't get on board with the idea of a computer...

wandering as reply to (A little side game of tennis)

Abraham Kim
cigar whiskey beer cigarette
I wandered aimlessly. Waiting to smoke my next  cigar . I already had a buzz going. So I'd hold off as long as possible before stopping in someplace for a  whiskey . You could make a buzz go long that way. The key was not to get into  beer too...

medical mile

Westcity beer brain drain European
I hadn't seen him in months. Used to hang out each weekend at the least. Was excited to hear  he had moved over by The Medical Mile. Where the fancy, new buildings were. I'd heard good things about it. How it was going to boost  Westcity 's economy, bring new...

a womanizer tries to convince a virgin to get laid

love beer marriage educated virgin
Andrew Cook never wanted to save himself for  marriage . He wasn't that idealistic. Plus, most  educated people these days didn't get married until their late twenties or even early thirties. He couldn't wait that long. But he did like the idea of saving himself. For something. He didn't know...

waiting at the hipster bar

whiskey beer Wild Turkey bartender sports bar mason jars
"Another Wild Turkey."

"Another  Wild Turkey then."

A double shot arrived. He had actually been planning on order a single this time. But what could he do. Order a double your first time around and your  bartender was bound to assume that double was your standard. Plus, he didn't mind drinking extra...

waiting at the sportsbar

American thermostat full time beer Instagram long sleeve bags AC dentist three piece suit sports bars men Cal Newport
Sandy Bridgers picked at the white glob on the verneer tabletop. She shivered slightly, then took out an Italian flannel shirt. Sandy aimed to keep a long sleeve shirt in one of the bags bags she carried, no matter the temperature. American buildings blasted the AC unlike any other country....


beer teeth Busch Light drinking age
"What else do you get?"

The thick wrist placed the  beer back on the coffee table and then the wideset torso that it was attached to leaned back. On top of was a big blockhead with that bright white smile. Usually such white smiles were exclusive to straight  teeth , belonging...

Abe's Blog
writing honestly

writers Haruki Murakami jazz beer Hear the Wind Sing
I never learned to write honestly on a daily basis. I'd maybe crank something worthwhile two, maybe three days a year, but I was never one of those writers who could do it consistently.

This is something I admired about Haruki Murakami , who I couldn't consider a "great" writer, but...


September beer weed college quarter ounce 30 pack liquor stores discounts pyramid scheme middle school trade eighth
I had saved a hundred dollars for the final weekend of September . The plan was to buy a  quarter ounce for around 70 and then a  30 pack for a little over 20. The little extra left over was just a buffer. Some  liquor stores charged you more for ...

Abe's Blog

beer coffee roadtrip life resolution
Stories and memories get condensed. Like Jake might say he's going out with Mike for a  beer when in fact there was a lot more they did than just get a beer. But we can communicate with each other by saying these symbolic meanings.

Went out for a beer.

The person we...

Flash Fiction Practice
Two months

kidneys Macbook Pro beer starvation digital nomads
Darjee sold his right kidney so that he his family could eat for two months. They were starving and this was the only way. His parents were too old and sick to sell their kidneys , and he would never allow his wife to do such a thing. His daughter,...

Abe's Blog
change as reply to Ode to the Radio

Abraham Kim
radio beer ads
Anytime I return to my hometown, I'll tune into the radio to check what's going on around those parts. It's about the only time I'll tolerate listening to ads . It makes me feel tuned in to what people there want. When I meet a friend for a  beer I'll...

Taxes and Peanuts

beer bookkeeping excel carbon copy taxes accountant peanuts
When I started at Stimson Co. they were still doing much of their bookkeeping on paper. Literal paper, with pen, and I don't say that as a knock on excel or anything, they were literally writing down numbers using ink pen onto pieces of paper. Granted they used those  carbon...

Abe's Blog
God Bless America

midwest Friday beer snowmageddon snowed in northeast scotch alcoholism
It's been raining all night, my girlfriend said this morning.

When I went into the bathroom and I looked out the window I thought about how this is how  snowmageddon would arrive. The temperature would fall below freezing tonight and then it would all turn into snow.

Being snowed in is a...

X Series [1]

beer Hamm's
I was drinking beer that night with Mikayla. After three  Hamm's I felt ready to share.

"I have something I want to tell you."

"Ah of course. This is why you wanted to hang out." Mikayla laughed and took a long swig of beer. "Come on, what is it?" She signaled for...

X Series [0]

barista coffee Facebook college beer Imogen Howe Westcity service industry blue chip
She thought she might be able to be a  barista forever. So long as she owned the cafes one day. Making 12 bucks an hour plus tips was just not going to cut it for the rest of her life.

The people and their tips were nice. They meant well, but...

Flash Fiction Practice
Beer or whiskey

beer whiskey Ecuador
If he had to pick, he didn't know which he'd let go.

beer or  whiskey  

On any given evening he knew what he preferred. But then again letting go of something. Leaving something behind, was different than having it wasn't it?

A woman from  Ecuador used to hang out at one...

Flash Fiction Practice

coffee beer whiskey
He spent much of his afternoons on walks.

Around campus and along the main strip. The early part of the day when he could nurse a coffee were his favorite part. Once the sun started going down feelings grew heavier within him. Have to find someplace that he can call... he...

Flash Fiction Practice
How things go

beer Busch Light Uber cigarette Zurich
There was a bar. Outside of town. Just beyond city limits technically; this allowed them to avoid a few laws or something like that. But nobody gave a damn about that and they called this their favorite bar in town.

It was my favorite bar in town. In fact it was...

Flash Fiction Practice
October's Formal - 5

beer Busch Light Jim Beam
After taking the first sip of my third beer I wondered why the thought even entered my head at all. I didn't even share the sentiment with my friends who were already five or six drinks into pregraming because there would be no point. It was a stupid thought anyways....

Flash Fiction Practice

rooibos college coffee beer Europe
They bonded over rooibos tea. In college it would've been late night coffee or beer , but by this time, they were more responsible. So uncaffeinated rooibos it was.

The sun set early in that time they first met: transition into late autumn. Even though the days would become shorter in...
A Promotion
Things i like about this:

- the humans feeding the roots
- a move to a new place
- intro to a new office.

The paragraph that begins with I was immediately drawn to the desk. It was an old, ash thing; was when i read in your voice for the first time. I could hear your voice, the one i remembered from back at 
, and the most recently i'd heard that one time we had late lunch and 
Abraham Kim
RedCross Leadership Course 2 - Day 2
and conversations in the middle of nowhere is one of my favorite things to do. 

i don't like to do it often nowadays of course now that I try to limit my alcohol intake. 

but damn. nothing like sharing brewskies and telling tales. 
Abraham Kim

Flash Fiction Practice
Untitled Shared at Sep 11, 2021

beer protestant
I am not dodging responses! just been stressed planning for trip and herding cats. will respond to all outstanding messages shortly. Sorry to hear about friend, hope you’re doing well man. will need to catch-up-gift chat soon!

Herding cats is no joke though. They go here and there and they go...

Flash Fiction Practice

beer Twitter Netflix
I once watched two people fall in love and it made me sad. One of them was my roommate, and I was sad because when it happened, I didn't feel anything.

We had all gone to high school together... somehow we were living in the same house. Ivan, the guy, fell...

Flash Fiction Practice
Time to Beer

Busch Light Europe beer Andrew Jackson
There's something about a 30-rack of Busch Light .

You buy from the right place and an Andrew Jackson will cover it with change to spare. If you get real lucky that change will include a quarter or two that you can save for laundry day -- if you live...

Flash Fiction Practice
The People's Hero

beer Vice Mexican Modelo Corona Busch Light
Nobody cares about the trails you've gone through if you ever end up in a good spot. During your ascension you'll be loved for a little bit. Some get lucky and it lasts years. But the slide from being a hero to villain is abrupt. So if you ever find...

I found the Diaries of Greco

coffee beer Bukowski Urban Dairy tallboys
I spent the first few weeks of that job reading  Bukowski . Besides for Post Office, I read all of his books. His stories fit in with this job, because I felt like I was having one over on 'the man', and this was exactly what Buk valued. Living on...

Flash Fiction Practice

Korean buchimgae soju beer
It's a Korean tradition to make seafood pancakes -- or buchimgae-- when it rains. There's two reasons for this. First is audible, the sizzling in the oiled pan sounds eerily like rain. Second is the cool calm that follows on a rainy day.

buchimgae on a cool, rainy afternoon....