Things You Forget

I do a lot of writing in my head. 

Especially when I am excited about an idea, I write several drafts in my head before anything gets to paper. Lately, it has been difficult to sleep cause I am actively writing lengthy posts in my head. And worse, I like what I am writing and totally forget that I was trying to sleep. 

I already know that I am a night owl. Some of my best work happened when I got uninterrupted time after everyone is off to bed. So maybe that is why I think about creative things right before bed. 

Today, my brother showed me something he is doing using his Pixel phone. 

Anytime an idea comes to him, he pulls out his phone and records it in detail. Google has Machine learning in the phone that helps transcribe the recording. He says it is pretty good at understanding him after a few times. 

I think that is the type of thing I need. Record some of the ideas and post I think about randomly. Especially the ones before bed. Then my mind can clear its cache and I get deep sleep. 
I wouldn't say I do writing in my head. I have ideas and get started in my head, but I quickly reach for a keyboard to flesh them out. I may use recordings as well if I'm not at a place where I can type easily. The ideas come to me randomly, so I need to be ready to strike while the iron is hot.
2021-12-23 17:34:32