It seems obvious that just creating a new technique to view the stars always comes before new discoveries in astronomy. Although, I don't know the history of specific technological advances, its easy to picture. Before a telescope you couldn't really see the surface of the moon, then bam, wow what is going on up there. People when they look at space use almost every wavelength light can take, and then even more properties. They are even sending a telescope out in to L2 to view more than they ever could just being near earth. A lagrange point, where there is sort of a gravitational well or ledge and objects can just sit there without using much fuel to stay in place. Its very exciting as most of the major discoveries of astronomy follow after the invention of new techniques or instruments, putting a telescope out in area thats free from obstructions, and equipped with a much better telescope (can see many more wavelengths than hubble). There should be exciting discoveries coming soon. Even news about the beginning of everything. Granted this was an extremely expensive endeavor and took almost 25 years or more of planning, but why don't we try to do this all the time. Not shooting things out to Lagrange points, but just trying to look at things in new ways with more light sound or whatever you never know what will happen.