
Thankfully, for most people, they don't think of a break-up every time they change a trash bag. Usually when I think about 2015, I think that it was a pretty bad year. People in the family got sick, lots of breakups and then, there's Rex. The nail in the coffin of a relationship lasting five years, my first love. She met him at work. Like they all do. And I was told later that it wasn't love at first sight, she actually hated him. He wouldn't listen to her, and he'd play with tools like they were toys. But that didn't stop her from hooking up with him every Thursday at 2pm (CST). She claimed, and I have this in text and word. That it was for work, it was for science, and it was important for the elephants of the country. But that didn't stop the humiliation, every time she came home Thursday night tired from 'work', or the constant blaming and comparison. She would say 'we have to use anal stimulation because thats the safest, we put the trash bags on our arms, lube them up, it takes 30-40 minutes usually to get the sample. Then I run it to the vet'.  I didn't ask, but she always goes over the ritual, and I didn't want to know the details of this strange organized orgy.   Rex is the reason we broke up, not the glaringly different future plans life goals, no matter the species, infidelity is infidelity,
Rex Kwon Do

you can't beat the elephant
Jan 25, 2022 7:53 PM
Cucked by the tusk. And elephants NEVER forget
Jan 26, 2022 12:54 PM