The unscratchable itch

You know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you do. This sensation in your brain 🧠 where you want something, but you're unsure, where you feel like you've forgotten something, or when you're waiting. These marvelous brains of ours, what do they do? Start searching for things to do, scroll Instagram, tw, FB, feeds of everything. And half an hour later, you're like, jeez, I feel so tired. Then, you put it off for a few minutes and get that itch again in your brain.

Are you not going to see a psychiatrist for that no? Yes? Maybe? Ah, Humm, maybe. To hell with it. The tool was supposed to be your friend, and now, your attention is being stolen second after second.

Take back your attention.
The way to get rid of that itch is not to scratch it. Let it bother you and observe. Exchange that 30 minutes of scrolling for 30 minutes of stillness, nothing doing. Yes, yes, exactly. Find yourself a chair or a couch somewhere, close your eyes, and, with your eyes closed, put all that precious attention in following your breath. Just that, for half an hour.

Meditation, take ownership of your brain, meditate. It's okay to miss a few insta-stories. It's okay to miss a few tweets. It's okay not to know everything. Accept that and choose to remain present with your breath.
