His car was finally ready for pickup at the garage. But because he was no longer splitting
with his girlfriend and had started eating out every meal, he was flat out broke, unable to
there. So he had to ask one of his friends.
He wished he could ask a coworker. He knew he'd offer a ride if they were to ask, no doubt. But frustratingly he felt like a burden imposing on them. The relationships he had with his coworkers were onesided in that manner. There was one coworker he would feel comfortable asking a ride from but she didn't even have her license yet.
Instead he was stuck asking from one of his friends. The first person who came to mind was Zach. Not that they were particularly close, but the fact that they mainly hung out by riding around in Zach's
made asking for a ride seem unintimidating. He could already imagine Zach's jovial voice, "Yeah, sure that's no problem. I'd love to!" and even if Zach didn't mean it, it wouldn't be an issue given that it was a one time favor. Plus he would make sure to offer to buy Zach dinner one day, which he knew would be refused given that Zach made so much more than him.
Before contacting Zach, he looked at the images one more time. The physical photographs. He spent probably an unhealthy amount of time staring at them. Time would pass by so fast when he was staring at them, caressing his fingers against their surface. He would think of all kinds of things. Unexplainable because he couldn't imagine anyone else thinking what he though while staring at those
This time around he caught himself at about ten minutes into staring at them, because he had to go pee. After pissing, he stared at his face while washing his hands, but no longer than the amount of time it took to wash them. Then after drying his hands he called Zach right away without going back into the living space where those photos were.
Zach's Tesla arrived a little over 20 minutes later outside his apartment. He put the photos back into the box where he kept them and then he stored the box away. He made sure to lock his door and ran to the Tesla.
"Hey, so we're going to Brady's Garage?"
"Sweet! Say, weren't you
? Why not bring the good ole guy along?"
"That's not possible right now."
Zach looked at him wanting for more.
"It's a bit of a story."
A smile came over Zach's face. Then the Tesla quietly rolled out of the parking lot.