I’m going to spend the next 30 days away from writing.
Instead, I will use the space I normally hold for writing to do some much-needed reflection on foundational questions like:
how do I want to put myself out in the world?
what do I want to express?
where do I want to express it?
and does writing have to be it, or are there other outlets worth trying out?
before I part, let me leave you with a quote from Helen Frankenthaler that’s been on my mind: “There are no rules, that is one thing I say about every medium, every picture . . . that is how art is born, that is how breakthroughs happen. Go against the rules or ignore the rules, that is what invention is about.”
See you June 15th.
No rules like your quote says. There is an essence to Will.
It never has to be confined to a single particular medium.
Doesn't that basically mean there's no rules then? lol