May 17 + 1

as reply to may 17

She started at the wall. That's where she had placed her calendar. Every month, she would place a printout of the month and would scratch of the day at about 10pm exactly. The goal is to be deliberate about each day. 

But yesterday, she ripped it off the wall. The year was going too fast. It was already May 17th.
"How did the days go by so fast when I work so hard to make each day count?"

He never got how much I think about each day. He doesn't know the reason why. As he set off to make money driving his Uber, I wonder if it is a good exchange to give up time for that type of money. 

Time is everything. 
Time should be a more expensive currency. 
I would give so much money to get more time. 

Maybe today, when he returned home, I would tell him the truth. 
Replies to May 17 + 1