He held the top of the steering wheel with his large hands. In college he had played basketball. Now he drove for
. It was an electric car, although not a
. But because he could charge the car it meant he got to take home more money than the other drivers burning gas.
It was
May 17
. The date had a good ring to it he thought as he tapped on the steering wheel waiting for his next pickup. He was parked outside of the local
coworking space
. The passenger had no profile picture. The name could be either woman or man. So he was curious what this passenger would look like. J. Atkins.
Some drivers got angry when the driver didn't show up within 2 minutes of arrival. Sometimes he'd wait around up until five minutes and he wouldn't mind it so much. He didn't get into the job to milk as much money out as possible, though he did get into it for the money.
Atkins came out just 60 seconds late. It was a man, wearing a backpack and carrying a raincoat scrunched up in his hands. He got into his backseat and the two of them exchanged an introduction and some small talk. But soon after that his passenger asked, "do you know what day it is today?"