He left the room in a hurry. With each step he wished he had stayed. But it was too late now. Leaving had made a statement, a statement that would become meaningless the moment he returned. So he kept storming along.
Once he was far enough from the room his steps became grew lighter. Soon he was walking like a normal person rather than a madman. A deep sigh escaped him without him having to try, and then he realized that he needed that so bad. He sighed again. He looked over to an empty park bench in the shade against the courtyard wall.
He sat down on it, facing towards the center of the courtyard. Nobody there knew what he had just done or what he was feeling. They were simply going about their day enjoying a
or nibbling into cake. Damn them, he thought.
He could hear the
. Time passed without him recognizing it. It was only once he heard the high heels clicking and clacking towards hi that he began taking note of time again. The
s disappeared and all that was in his mind was the approaching person.
"Did you really need to do that?"
God it made him feel so good that she had followed him out. He couldn't think of a witty or actually smart reply so instead he just looked at her and sighed and said he was sorry.
Few more clicks and then she was sitting beside him on the parkbench. She didn't smoke and neither did he. But he could've used a
right then.