Georgie hadn't flinched when asked for a good breakfast spot.
Larry's Diner.
Well would you want to go. Together? she had asked. He didn't assume she was asking him out.Then to her direct question he said, sure.
Sammy liked this, so far, about
Georgie Wilcox
. That he wasn't pushy. If anything pushed her away fast it was someone who demanded her attention. She'd had enough of that. She found Georgie's hands off approach refreshing.
It could all be an act. Plenty of friends in the past had acted like they were chill, but as soon as they became 'real friends' it'd be revealed that they had been hiding their attention seeking the entire time.
For now worrying of such possibility served no purpose. She was alone with nothing but her work in this random town, and Georgie was a cord attaching her to something that felt like
The work was fascinating, but it didn't feel like life. It felt more like a tantalizing portal that she was getting sucked deeper into. The thought of hanging out with Georgie and catch up over old times felt like a tether connecting her to some old version of life she once had. She didn't know why, but deep down she thought this was important in some way.
It wasn't until two days later the two finally met up at Larry's. And not for breakfast either, but lunch. It worked out better this way as she enjoyed spending her mornings on deep thought. It was once her brain was frazzled by the afternoon that she enjoyed kicking it with a friend sipping a
When she looked him up it turned out he wasn't a programmer after all. She couldn't understand why he had lied about his job. She wondered if maybe he was telling a joke, or if she had misheard him. Perhaps he was learning to be a programmer rather than was already one. Regardless, she didn't care about that. She was however curious to the truth of how he had spent the time since college. A decade came and went so quick that it felt unbelievable.
Smash Mouth
song suddenly felt more deep to her now. Those lines:
The years start coming and they don't stop coming
All these different people. Faces. Some she had met only once but still remembered vividly to this day. And others she had met nearly daily for months of her life that now felt blurry to her. How did each of them pass the last decade?
Maybe Georgie wouldn't like talking about that. She found it difficult to find people who wanted to talk sincerely about such. They either made it sound like they were doing absolutely nothing or they made it sound like they were doing something amazing. Both were lies meant to kick the can down the road and discuss something else. A new TV show or a new restaurant to try or what some celebrity had said.
Being distant from people was not a choice of hers. It was not something she lamented either. It was more a fact of life. Similar to how lions do not mingle with zebras.
So it was peculiar to her, that she suddenly felt drawn to seek Georgie. She felt nothing but gratitude when he seemed open to hanging out with her. If Georgie had said he didn't want to or that he was too busy then she would not have gone looking for another person to hang out with to fill her void. Instead she would've saw that it wasn't meant to be between her and him. But how nice it was, for him to be open.