Social Media and the Malady of easy access

1) Most online trolls, troll in real life as they do online. Most faceless keyboard warriors can't say what they type on social media in real life. In fact, the majority aren't as vicious as they seem online. 

It's the malady of easy access. The ability to sit in your mom's bunker trash talk a stranger online.

2) Sometimes, friends "confide" in you on WhatsApp and seek your advice. Long hours of chat and chat. They just want to keep pouring out their mind and "really want" a solution from you. Many times, just schedule a physical meetup. Many won't show up and they probably wouldn't even raise the issue until another episode. 

It's the malady of easy access, they don't want the problems solved. They just want to talk about it. And they also want you to take them seriously. LOL

Shay Hun's Blog