yeah it is Seaside Rest Padel

as reply to Everything

Tom was pretty sure... almost certainly... that Shelley did not want to go to Southern California with him. Ever since they had come to the 
Seaside Rest
her mind had been elsewhere. 
was something he suggested just to see if he could spark something back in her but it had failed.

He wished that she would just admit that she wasn't into him or the trip anymore. Then Tom could go back to his old life. But Shelly said nothing of the sorts. Just nodded along with a dazed attention, staring off into the distance like she was looking at something a thousand yards away. What was it? Was it another man Tom wondered. He knew she had been married in the past. She never told him the details. He had just found out doing research online. Some man named 
... Rob Mondavi. What a bizarre name. Tom had a standard name. Tom Smith. Maybe that's why Shelly wasn't into him. He wasn't interesting. Just mayonaise.

In fact he was bored too. Sick of trying to be the interesting guy for the sake of winning over this lady. He wanted to go back home and spend his days kayaking and biking. Enough of this tour! He wanted to go back--

"Maybe we should just head back."

"Oh. You think so?"

Shelly looked at him. Finally. Looking into his eyes. "Yeah. I feel like. It's time."

"Ok. If you... If that's what you want."

Her look faded off into the distance again. "Yeah. It is."

Replies to yeah it is
