What is the difference between someone writing for 100 days in a row and someone writing for 100 days and one missed day? A precedence would be set.
The slippery slope phenomenon applies to many things. The alcoholic decides to skip an AA meeting. The person on a strict diet decides to have a cheat meal. A married person perceives a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and cheats on his/her spouse. All it takes is one time to go off the rails.
Can you recover after a miss? Can you get right back on the horse? Sure, it's possible but difficult. Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, sang that the first cut is the deepest. The first time is what breaks the seal.
You can always start fresh the next day, but unless you have the device from Men in Black that zaps your memory, you're going to remember. Many people rationalize that memory. I was sick. I forgot. Everybody needs a day off.
I made a decision a long time ago that writing is a skill I want to double down on. Somewhere along the way, I transformed into the identity of a writer. And as Seth Godin says, "What do writers do? They write. Everyday."
No misses. No excuses. A precedence would be set.