Aging post

For a business competition I am in charge of coming up with a pitch.

This is what I have so far, at least for the background.

Ageing is one of the most determinant factors of disease. Throughout life we systematically accumulate damage and as a result our tissues become dysfunctional. This dysfunction is what we commonly associate with aging, such as frailty, or when tissue-specific, certain diseases can result (e.g. Alzheimer’s in the brain). Cellular senescence is thought to be a major driver of aging and is considered an important hallmark. Senescent cells are simply damaged cells that cannot be repaired. Elimination of these cells has been shown to promote the and lifespan (by about a 33% increase) and the healthspan (length of time a person is healthy) in naturally aged mice. Although there are some markers for senescence, its identification in vivo and clinically is still a huge challenge and there are not many reliable tools.
However I am not sure how to make this sound more urgent. With and when you write about cancer, or a single disease the urgency seems obvious, you don't want that disease. But with aging it does seem a bit harder. I don't think I associate aging as always bad. It would be scary if it were. 

Maybe this isn't the space here, but I do see a lot of start up posts.  

You should look into using the hotkeys [[ to tag topics. I'm creating UIs that'll allow you to see in interesting and hopefully useful ways what type of content you write and how they are connected to each other.
2022-01-17 21:20:15
I saw this, but I need more context to provide anything useful. Where should the urgency be directed?
2022-01-17 22:28:31
Ill try to hotkey more. I never know when or what to do it. 
 Maybe that is kind of the problem I have. This needs to turn into some kind of pitch, we are applying for money outside of academia, to develope some of our technology to diagnose and identify aging cells and then aging diseases Alzheimer's, or others. Where this seems more like an opening of an explanation, not setting the stage of problem to investors, as to why you should give me money. 
2022-01-18 17:37:53