I found out that a lot of personality disorders occur due to events that happen before we reach the age of 3.

That got me thinking that few of us would not have any issues based on that definition. I do not know many couples who seem to do things perfectly especially with their firs child in the first 3 years. It is so hard to get things right for the first anything. Most people in my parents generation had kids when they were still young and had no GOOGLE to research what to do.

Listening to a few seasons of Ester Perel's therapy sessions, almost everyone has baggage from their childhood. No matter the background, religion or country of origin, there is something that we all carry around with us and inject into the current situation we are in.

I just heard that Bill Gates and his soon to be ex wife had some arrangement before getting married. My first thoughts were - what type of childhood did the two have? I can't tell if people with such explicit arrangements have a better understanding of the mind and its limitation or didn't get what they needed before the age of 3. 

I like how you refer to it as "some arrangement." I'll take it one step further and say our development is influenced in the womb based on what mothers are eating and what they are exposed to. Even the simple decision of natural birth vs. cesarean birth can have a huge impact on a baby. Natural birth is the first opportunity for babies to be exposed to bacteria that will be the first to populate their gut microbiome. This does not happen with cesarean birth, which may explain the genesis of many diseases associated with the gut.
2021-06-05 12:37:57
True. The functional medicine doctor I saw recently asked me about how I was born and if my mom was healthy when she was pregnant with me. In all my years of seeing so many different specialists, no one had ever asked me that question. And I actually didn't know the answer. I had to ask my mom. Very interesting stuff.
2021-06-05 23:21:50
I agree with
and raise the ante to say it goes even beyond 
conditions of our mothers. because their condition while carrying are a result of their life is a result of their mother's condition as a result of society and husbands and everytihng that came before it. 

Crazy huh?
2021-06-08 14:07:23
Not even that crazy now that we have scientific data that demonstrate how epigenetics can influence our DNA through multiple generations.
2021-06-08 15:29:05