Hammer-ons and pull-offs

I'm intrigued by the physics of hammer-ons and pull-offs in the context of stringed instruments - specifically the idea that sound is made only when the attack or retreat from a string is executed with sufficient swiftness and force. 

There's an analogy to be made here - perhaps to business strategy, product design, life, etc. I'm not sure yet but am interested in developing this further. 

Does anyone have thoughts? 
Ha what's analogies in those domains come to you? While reading this none came to me right away. I wouldn't have thought about it until you prompted the reader for one at the end.

Because of the prompt I'll try:

Hammer-ons and pull-offs are like these cool moves or ballsy strategies that companies sometimes pull off and then media like TechCrunch or bloggers love to cite them... even founders will like citing them when justifying something insane that they are about to do. But those examples make great stories because they are the exception. There was a setup that made it even possible.

When doing a Hammer-on you gotta have the setup for it to work. Same with a pull-off. If you try playing entire songs or even an entire series of songs with only hammer-ons and pull-ofs might not work well for you. Even though a confined usage of such works really well.
2021-02-13 22:20:45
 I like where you're taking it - esp. in your second paragraph. There's and time & place for hammer-on and pull-off maneuvers, but trying to run an entire show using those two moves only seems ill advised. The title 'hammers-ons and pull-offs' has been in my back log of post ideas for a week know; I will be thinking about this for awhile until more clarity comes to surface haha
2021-02-14 13:41:41