Passing Time

He was cold so he put on a sweater. Then he was hungry so he found out online where food was. Then he had to figure out how to get there so again he went online and found a car. He took the car to the place. He then had to walk inside and order. So he did that. He had to wait. So he did. 15 Minutes past by and he had passed by with them. He checked Instagram to pass 2 minutes, then Facebook to pass 3, then he read a blog by this writer he followed who always wrote the best things to pass 5. More minutes passed by than he thought. He was confused. To find out what was going on he asked the server.  They said maybe it will take a little while longer, maybe it would take forever. So he stood there scrolling and scrolling. Years passed by until he rubbed his finger print off, and  his thumb joint went brittle and ground to dust. He kept scrolling until he couldn’t. Think of anything else. He kept scrolling. To infinity to avoid answering a questions to keep open the possibility it would come. 
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