group chat

Abe's Blog
Big Tech is the Downtown of the internet

Church of Twitter Facebook Uber Google group chat Telegram UX software internet Elon Musk Martin Luther billionaire infrastructure big tech cloud designers
The  Church of Twitter has had a busy week. The mobs either crowning Elon Musk as contemporary Martin Luther or another  billionaire buying his way into societal  infrastructure .

Independent of this, my friend remarked that if Facebook were to disappear tomorrow that there would be non net-negative impact to society....
Content Overflow
Haha these days while Brandon pretends not to read fiction and i pretend not to go on 
, I actually will claim that I've become mostly bored with a lot of the video content. There are some that stand out but mostly i kind of just use video content as a thing to put on when i want to just kill time. Might eat some snacks or just fuck around on a 
group chat
and have some laughs.

When I'm being deliberate about my time I almost always enjoy and get more out of reading WHO HAS TIME FOR FICTION?! than video.

So that makes me actually think. WHO HAS TIME TO WATCH FICTION?! 

Judging by how many 
 and other streaming services subscriptions there are, MANY!
Abraham Kim