post office

PO Box 915
unidentified man as reply to find him

Abraham Kim
Midwestern post office PO Box father vulnerable detective
When he saw the photo of the Un-Named man he felt a deep fear. The kind of feeling you only had once you were a  father . Because you didn't fear for things like that yourself. You only feared it for your loved ones. The  vulnerable people that you would...

PO Box 915
too tired to fall asleep as reply to Mysteries never end

Abraham Kim
birdsong sun coffee post office teeth boxer-briefs
He returned to the apartment while it was still somewhat dark. Morning was just around the corner. The birdsong s scattered the noise into the air, and anxiety into him. An excitement. He wasn't even replaying the sensual scenes back in his mind. Instead he was replaying an idea of...

PO Box 915
creepy as reply to no respect

Abraham Kim
reddit Tesla post office non-chalant prostitutes Aphex Twin superstitions
Nobody could ever hate Larry, a cheery, old man who could get on your nerves, asking for inconvenient favors. But he wasn't the type to sear into your memory. 

The only times he thought about Larry was when he ran into him outside in the parking lot, or if he...

PO Box 915
gravity as reply to Johnny Timberland

Abraham Kim
post office cafe barista coffee hipster college package coat decaf gravity
His stomach sank. He thought once more, this trip is going terribly. He was sweating under his winter  coat . He took it off and the wind made him shiver. He looked around trying to spot his bike. Filled with determination, he started to walk the perimeter of the entire ...

PO Box 915
ruffled as reply to Morning

Abraham Kim
coffee email post office key
He already felt it. He didn't want it to be true, but it still excited him. He couldn't focus on his work. He couldn't focus because he felt it was true.

After the mysterious lady left he had tried buckling down on his laptop and get back to answering emails and...

PO Box 915
Package as reply to Envelopes

Abraham Kim
post office package CLIF Bar
Because there were no markings on the package , he thought whether it could even be called a package at all.

After all, weren't packages things that were marked so they could leave some place and end up at some destination?

Normally he'd want to open something like this, but he knew...

PO Box 915

post office PO Box college boring inexplicable rational
He began tapping onto his screen. The message. What had just happened at the  post office . He had already told his group chat about it, but now he was going to tell her. But after it was all written out, he didn't feel it was right to send it....

PO Box 915

coworking space sun post office PO Box library Non Profit
He went to the post office twice a week to collect mail sent to the Non Profit he worked for. It was a small organization with a small budget, not enough for office space, barely enough to pay the wages of the team. Instead they listed their address as a...