Product Hunt

Abe's Blog
The burden of Baz - I

200WAD Indie Hackers Baz Hacker News Product Hunt Writing habit website streaks 2018 place salmon profitable
I found 200WordsADay - 200WAD - on the twilight of 2018 .

One of the first things I noticed upon entering the site was the founder's profile picture: I thought he looked like such a super hero in that picture. It was an illustration of his face gleaming off into the...
A proper resume
Right. lacking attention to detail itself is not the red flag here. It's what it implies. Which is that this person 'lacks attention' period. lol

Great sentence that they put. I need to write a post where I write in the style of a bad resume.

Also going live on 
Product Hunt
means that they put the product finally live out there for people to see. Whether this is significant depends on who's the viewer. To me, I don't go on there and I know that there are so many different products launching so i find it insignificant. This is prob your perspective too lol. But for a fellow maker i think they really look forward to launching/going-live as a big thing. And they really like it. well maybe not like it but they definitely put a lot of energy thinking about it.

Going live!
Abraham Kim

Documenting Adagia
Corners as reply to Internet Corners

Abraham Kim
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Even the big spaces like Twitter have their own corners within them. The difference between big places and small corners though is that the latter continues to design intentionally for the specific corner crowd.

Product Hunt and Angel List was designed specifically from the get-go for a niche case. A...