Backoffice Apps
That is part of the explanation! 

When i wrote this i was specifically thinking about the average american working person's relationship with outlook. And then i further thought about the undisruptable death star that is 

also i thought about my earlier jobs writing back office apps for a university here. I always tried my best to make sure to create something that didn't put a frown in the users' face. Something that felt nice. But never something that was slick.
Abraham Kim

Abe's Blog
Backoffice Apps

subjective SAP Microsoft Outlook
I have a fetish with horribly designed, outdated back-office apps.

Maybe I can't claim they're horribly designed. That's too subjective . 

How about instead: I have a fetish with established back-office apps that people often complain about. I would even guess that they love to complain about these apps....