
there's work to do as reply to The Fall

Abraham Kim
freedom SUV sunglasses
The colors red, white, and blue stand for  freedom . Unless they're flashing behind you on the road. This time though he wasn't driving. Just walking. Alongside a highway. The kind that runs through the country rather than one of those multi lane, split in the middle interstates.

From the start...

for the likes as reply to The blue man

Abraham Kim
jacking off winter freedom
"Why aren't you doing the moves?"

It was a ethnically ambiguous slightly overweight girl with smooth skin in the seat behind him.

"Why aren't you doing the moves? Like everybody else." she asked again.

"I didn't know I wasn't doing them," he said."

"You aren't." she pointed at his hands. "See."

He looked down. He...

Circle Park

Westcity coffee Thursday American freedom weekend
There's an imprisoning feeling that comes with the American car culture, although I bet when cars were becoming a mainstay of life, it was all about  freedom .

Drive whenever, wherever you want. Don't get stuck in crowds and be chained to public transit's timetables.

Because driving has been the default travel...