Brian Ball @brianball

Coffee & Cookies. Level 1 rhyme.

Brian Ball last shared their writing From a visit with the muse.

“It’s so dark, I thought to myself as I pushed myself up out of bed and stumbled toward the bathroom. What time is it? What day? I know it’s the new year, 2022, but man this is starting off weird.”

TS: Jan 4, 2021 04:12 p.m.
Brian's Pantry
🥟 3 Dumplings
🍺 4 Beers
🧇 1 Waffle
🍪 1 Cookie
🍵 4 Teas
🥃 2 Whiskeys
🥓 1 Bacon
🍊 3 Tangerines
🥚 2 Eggs
🍍 2 Pineapples
🍫 1 Chocolate Bar
Go for it

abrahamKim That's really helpful feedback! I'm beginning to appreciate just how little time you have to transmit information when the medium is more saturated. For in-person conversation with strangers, I...