Drew @drewb
It's just a drive-by, an idle hunt for a new hobby, or an old one set to lie. Window shopping fresh ways out, tangled strings leading back to the mouth of the cave. Knots are just a new checkpoint. You're supposed to move forward, after...
"Initially I could not speak, I couldn't believe what I saw, so I walked out of the meeting and drank a coffee, then I returned and seeing the cord still...
BTW if you're readingΒ
than I shall start reading it too. I tried to in the past but never got around to it in theΒ
we can have...
This is reminding me to go checkout that Google Doc you sent me : ) I'm excited to try it out for myself
Also Brandon shared that contest with me. So...
drewb Β we now know what our debut album will be like
Keni I love how your idea of listening ties into whyΒ
can be such a great facilitator of good relationships. It is about listening and patience.Β
Fun fact that...
I think the framing of 'killing' an idea is what makes it so hard to do.
But killing an idea flipped on it's head could just be seen as giving birth...
drewb you worked as a research assistant for a professor though right? For a while? I remember you talking about having that position and me getting jealous that you had...
I became really invested into this character's motivations once this line hit:
I bought a house in a country village, about three quarters of an hour from the nearest highway exit....
so i'm guessing yo uwere a tutor inside a help-room? The university thatΒ
and I attended had this for math/stats as well.
you must've been pretty good if...