
Lupin is a Netflix Series. It’s more like an heist serial.

I love heist movies, so merely seeing Lupin’s  trailer, I was sold.

The plot is about a guy who follows or patterns his life and quest for truth about father’s death after the character of popular fiction novel in France name Lupin.

It also touches on various themes chief of which is racism.


Five episodes in all with an average of about 42 minutes in all. All episodes sharp, straight to the point, and not slow burn. 

Lupin is truly a thrilling show. You’d probably complete the entire season in one sitting, and it will be worth it. 
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It’s either I suck at movie reviews or the best time to review a movie is immediately after you see it.
You don't have that authority. 
2021-02-13 22:36:02
Have you seen the movie Heat? It's one of the greatest heist movies of all time.
2021-02-14 00:20:15
Watched Lupin when it came out; definitely finished it in no time haha. Looking forward to pt. 2
2021-02-14 13:42:39
Omar Sy is in another great film called Les Intouchables - an awesome comedy also on Netflix 
2021-02-14 13:43:07