Show me everything

Supposedly the state of Missouri has no official nickname yet the phrase "Show Me State" appears on its license plates. That sounds official enough to me. I don't know what Missourians actually want to be shown, but sometimes you just want to be shown everything.

There is a simple way to do this in SQL: SELECT *

The symbol after the SELECT statement is an asterisk. Not asterik, not asstix, both of which I have heard many times.

Aside 1- The word asterisk derives from the Latin asteriscus and Greek asterískos meaning little star.

I find it interesting that the first thing you write in a SQL statement corresponds to the end result of the query. The SELECT statement is used to specify the output of your query. You can specify which columns you want to see, the name of the columns, and the format of the data in the columns. 

I've seen people save the SELECT statement for last because they don't know all the data they want to see at first. Maybe they just want to see the full monty, all data in all tables.

This is the full-frontal of the SQL world.

Show me everything.


Aside 2 - SQL stands for Structured Query Language. Some people insist that it is pronounced "ess-cue-el." I prefer to pronounce it as "See-Quell." But what do I know? I also pronounce the annual film festival in Austin, Texas as "Ess Ex Ess Double You"
SELECT * FROM 'users' WHERE 'name' = 'thefakebrandonwilson';
2021-03-22 01:15:11