Brandon Wilson @therealbrandonwilson

Brandon Wilson last shared their writing PTO Donation
I saw a post on the website, which somehow floated to my SmartNews feed. First of all, writing a paragraph and then posting screenprints of comments from social media does not count as anything close to a news story. Nevertheless, since I have personal experience with the topic, I...
Brandon's Pantry
๐Ÿฃ 23 Sushis
๐Ÿง‡ 22 Waffles
๐ŸฅŸ 21 Dumplings
๐Ÿช 12 Cookies
๐Ÿฅš 29 Eggs
๐Ÿ“ 14 Strawberries
๐Ÿฅ“ 31 Bacons
๐Ÿบ 23 Beers
๐Ÿซ 22 Chocolate Bars
๐Ÿฅƒ 24 Whiskeys
โ˜•๏ธ 26 Coffees
๐Ÿฅฉ 20 Steaks
๐ŸŠ 22 Tangerines
๐Ÿต 26 Teas
๐Ÿ 18 Pineapples

Lolย  therealbrandonwilson ย  - I meant to say, I watched breaking bad for a 2nd time to understand power and corruption. The first time I saw it, it was purely for...

I am a fan of building a product that people will like and find useful.

I'm in total agreement with this. One caveat I like to emphasize these days however is...