It rains a lot.

I'm in the house of my parents, in my hometown, a small city somewhere in an eastern-European country. I remember the summertimes from my childhood and they weren't like this. It's the 6'th week when it rains every day. Sometimes it rains 3 or 4 times a day. Oftentimes it's a downpour, the sky turns black it thunders and rains for about 30 minutes, and then it stops and the sun comes out. It wasn't very hot until this week. We're now approaching temperatures around 35C and with the heat, it's gonna be very humid. I've heard about monsoon stories in India, the description matches the current climate in Romania. I'm wondering, are these the signs of global warming? My dad said he never lived through a summer like this, and he's 72. It's strange, it feels somewhat tropical. Vegetation grows vigorously.   In about 2 days I will return to my other home in the South of France. It's very hot there too, it's nice tho because we're on the coast and there's a fresh wind blowing from the sea. It's still hot but less humid. I can't wait to arrive and spend the day at the beach, sunglasses on, just chilling looking at the sky suntanning, swimming, contemplating the view, the women, a fresh beer in hand, a nice joint, I might have more interesting stories to tell.
Your first post was about returning to the city of rain. Full circle.

Hope to get more circles in terms of writing going forward from you.

I think that we sometimes fear writing about a specific topic because we think we will exhaust it. we save the precious topic/story for a later time.

however this is a fallacy i noticed. The topics i keep returning to just keep getting stronger with each attempt writing it.

It seems that the key to writing isn't holding back the good... but just giving it all. You'll always have more to give
2021-06-22 22:27:30