The mist was thick. He felt like he was walking through water. It reminded him of the
. It was dark now just like it was in that glass sea tunnel back when he was a kid. It had been a school trip. Over three hours to get there. Three school buses had gone.
He hadn't been alone in that tunnel. Maybe this wouldn't be a fond memory if he were. Things like being a loner hurt him back then. But he was with other boys luckily. A group who had decided without words to stick together in that aquarium.
In the tunnel he felt so alone. Not in a bad way though. More like he was floating through space. The other boys must've felt it too. Because nobody spoke.
He hadn't thought of that moment in decades. Now as he walked out from the
coworking space
, he felt the misty air. And he felt alone in the night. The streetlights blurry through the night fog. He felt alone.