The thumbprint got lost in the mail. People assumed it was an inside job. The buyer had not bought insurance on it. The internet judged the buyer for it. Who would be crazy enough to buy something for 200 grand and not buy insurance on it?
The woman who sold it died soon after. Heartbreak. The husband never forgave himself. The child was now three. Would ask what mom was like. Dad would say she was a great woman. But the kid knew. Even at a young age she could tell there was something off about her mom.
Her friends made fun of her. She was the daughter of the woman who killed herself after the thumb print went missing in the mail. Some people thought the print was locked inside some mysterious estate, bought for a much higher price at the
black market
Others thought the print legitimately got lost in the mail. The detective thought about this while sitting at the
support group
. He thought about this while sitting there wondering... how he'd spent four years of his life on this investigation. And Gene. He had fallen in love with her. But she couldn't love him back. She couldn't cross that line with someone from her support group.
They still went out for coffee thought. And to dinner. Had
sometimes. And even were getting married next summer. But she couldn't date him. That would be crossing the line.