Barry Dog Guy, aka the guy with the dog never showed up. Never even replied. Joey thought maybe he was getting laid or something. The guy, he'd only spoken to in real life a few times. But they got along well. Now that he thought about it. Was probably because the other guy was so
. This is probably why Joey thought the guy was boning some girl. He imagined all charismatic guys doing this. He didn't think they did anything else. But of course they did. Still, his imaginations got the better of him.
He really didn't want another beer. But he didn't want to go home. When the bartender asked if he wanted another, he said he'd take a
instead. He sipped that slow. Kept checking the phone. Barry had made it sound like he wanted to hang out. But now that Joey was wondering if he wanted to, he was getting no response.
Aren't you going to reply to that?
You got a text like an hour ago. You looked at it and put your phone down.
Oh that. No.
Why not?
It's spam.
No it's not.
Okay. You're right. It's not spam. How'd you know.