Diego's palms sweated. He couldn't believe he was still alive. He should've been dead... well last year. But then he escaped narrowly. But when the agents got him last month, then he really should've died.
He still hadn't accepted this. Hadn't come to terms with it.
He was for all intents and purposes a dead man.
had brought him here. To this situation. No amount of whatever the opposite of greed was would get him out of this now. But he could at least pass the torch somehow. To somebody innocent. He had 9 figures
worth of
on the now sweaty USB drive that his fingers glossed. Nine figures was generational wealth. Could change the course of a regular person's life. Not his though. Anyone in his family or social network got hold of that money the agents would arrive at their door. Sometime in the middle of the night. Hit them.
Diego had to toss this to somebody unconnected to him. A random stranger. He considered picking a random address off of
. He kept holding off on dispersing the funds. It was important that it went to someone who 'deserved' it. Whatever that meant.