People who loved driving gas burning cars enjoyed shitting on EVs. You could only drive them a few hours and then you'd be stuck charging it. Road trips. You couldn't take them conveniently. But Max wondered, how many road trips did people even take?
He imagined having an electric car. Charging it in the garage every night... or almost every night. And never running out of energy. That sounded better than filling his car up with
every few days. Sure the road trip thing was an issue. But he couldn't remember the last time he took a road trip.
Sometimes you think of something for the first time. Then after that you see that everywhere. Max came home that evening, Dave was waiting for him. "Would you want to take a road trip?"
"I wouldn't be opposed. Did you have a place in mind?"
"I didn't. I figured we could just pick a direction. Then begin driving. Full tank of gas of course. We could head out at night if you'd like. Maybe right now?"
It was already dark. But Max did have a full tank of gas. Why not?