In the time it took to order a pizza Lenny's creator is typing this. He's tired, had a long day at his job, but now for some reason he's using his time adding words and breathing life to Lenny. Who, if Lenny was actually honest with himself, wouldn't have rushed. He would have studied for the chemistry exam that he needed so desperately to past. But Lenny was lonely, he had friends but not as connected as in highschool. So he rushed and through insane bonding rituals he became, maybe even through a little trauma, linked to these guys. Problem right now was most of them left for the summer. So now he was right back where he was, in the beginning in need of friends. He liked the
guys, they liked usually to relive when they were younger. Sometimes they were weird, so Lenny always kept a baseball bat by his bed. He did this especially in the summer, the house was too hot to keep his door closed. But thats fine he would say as he was falling asleep I have my bat. Years from now he would continue to sleep with a bat by his bed until one of his partners asks him why. He can't explain it, so he puts it out the garage.
No one cares about my ways
In the garage where I belong
No one hears me sing this song
In the garage