Laying in the bathtub she had a thought. You can be anyone you want to be. She liked that, held on to it, like a small ball close to her chest. Then a knock came from downstairs. She was in the bath, when she was in the bath she had a no answer policy but she thought this sounded different. Like they wanted to tell her something, and this was there only chance. Besides she was getting colder now. She got up, a little dizzy from the heat, or the laying. She got dressed, yelling Im coming. She through open the door and a cold rush of wind from outside came inside and with it a cologne she'd smelled before.
It was the guy from the cafe. In her mind the regular.
I think I know where they might've gone. He said.
She looked at him concerned at first. Then understanding.
Where? She replied.
Uhh, oh sorry, umm do you want to come in? She asked.
Now a bit embarrassed he replied. No no don't worry, I just, I wanted to tell you.
I think they went west, I know its not that helpful, but I feel like they went to a place I heard them talking about before.