The frazzled plea from inside stuck with Marc Love as he drove away from the sunset. He had knocked. Twice. In case she hadn't heard. Then he was about to go away. Sometimes people didn't want to answer the door. You couldn't wait forever.
She had yelled out to let him know she was on her way. It had sounded like a plea for something more. Like she had been waiting for the news he was about to deliver for her whole life.
Or maybe just the whole day. Did people await something for an entire day these days? Attentions spans. Becoming shorter. It was a luxury to await something for a whole day. This was not to say that people didn't get stuck in endless
. But that was different. Love couldn't figure out what made it different. The girl's awaiting of the whereabouts of the two diner employees vs and mindless thought loop.
Love felt kind of bad telling the news to her. She seemed like she was holding her breath for a suggestion of a next step. Let's go there now! Something like that. But Love merely gave the news and left.
After ten minutes of listening of the local radio Love turned into a driveway then backed out and headed back. When he arrived at her place she was gone. The lights were on inside, but he could tell by the way they calmly stayed still against the blinds and shades that nobody was inside. He didn't even try knocking.
He said to himself out loud. "Well I guess I ought to head to