One time it was a Saturday morning. Marc Love had woken up a little later than usual. And since he wasn't going to work he didn't need to shave. The kids were still asleep. And he wasn't feeling so tired and thus wasn't craving
first thing in the morning like he usually would. So he instead went to the bathroom to
After removing the stubble on his neck and his jaw, he looked into the mirror where he had a mustache. He enjoyed looking at it. Imagined what it would looks like if he were to let it grow out a few weeks. Suddenly a crash came from downstairs.
He dropped the razor and ran down. There was not a sound. Shouldn't there be someone crying or something? Some plea for help at the least. But when he got down there was a pool of blood on the rug underneath the coffee table. His youngest daughter was laying still on the ground.
He rushed to the hospital in the minivan. While en route he left his wife a voice message of what happened. Told her to call 911. Let the hospital know that they were on their way. Let somebody know GOD DAMMIT!
At the
there was nobody in the loop waiting for them. He tried to carry out his daughter into the ER when someone in a uniform approached him.
"Can you help me!"
"Sir you can't park there."
"I'm sorry, sir. You'll need to let us cart her in. Please move your car."
"I need that cart now then!"
"It's coming, sir. Please return to your vehicle."
Love took a deep breath. And then did. Daughter still in his arms. What was he going to do? Leave her on the cement?
It took about 30 seconds for a cart to be rolled out. Two younger folk wearing scrubs. One a man and the other a woman. They took his daughter and then the man in the uniform told Love again to drive away and park at the designated parking garage.
Love turned around. "Yes?" he asked.
"Why do you only have facial hair ontop of your lips?"