Fake Lemons

as reply to no burrito

His last gulp of the ice coffee finished around 2, he had some of the game complete, maybe they'd give him 2.5 or something. This was worth like 30% of the final grade. So he could he thought get 100's on those. Then maybe he'd be fine. Or maybe the teacher would do like his friend said. The Lazarus option, one exam and you could make up your whole grade. Rise from the dead. He felt already he was dead. No use to hope for something. That was a different teacher even different school. 

All of his friends went to another school. Two hours away, but felt like forever so they only visited here and there. Most of the time there if he was honest. His friend Peter just didn't like to drive. Made him nervous. He came up with all sorts of excuses. So Dick would just drive. He had a routine even up there. There was one coffee shop that he'd stop in before driving down. Cheap coffee if you have own cup one dollar. But now he fished one coffee soaked ice chip out of his cup. He was out. Needed some water maybe, he got up. Shit got to pee he thought. He looked around no one was here, so he didn't have to watch his stuff. The bathroom is just down the hall. 

When he got up he realized how late it was, how dark it was, how quiet. He liked this, in the summer him and his uncle used to wake up really early, and go out on the boat to fish. It was silent, no one was out there. The boat they paddled out was the only thing making ripples. The feeling of the first cast was amazing, the bobber bounced up and down. 

His pee splattered the plastic guard of the urinal. What are these even for he thought, what are they protecting. It smelled like fake lemons. 
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