Doug 6

as reply to Doug 5

"Oh, yeah?" 
"It's kind of fucked up."
"I like the sound of that."
"I thought you would. Listen, did I ever tell you about Charlie? Guy I used to work with?"
"Nah, don't think so. Anything particular?"
"He was alright, kind of a funny guy. Like Joe Pesci in Goodfellas. You know, made you laugh about the shit he does and says, but without meaning to."
"Yeah, I know the type, what about him?"
"Well, fuck man, just before you called I was on the phone with his mom, tells me he killed himself. Jumped out a window."
"Wow, that is fucked up."
"Yeah, I might be still processing this right now, you know, denial or something. I don't think I feel any particular way about it. I mean it's sad, you know, thinking of the guy just jumping out his fuckin' window and then..."
"I bet he didn't seem to be the type."
"Exactly! Exactly, that's the thing, like you wouldn't think it. He was pretty much normal, ya know, other than being funny in his own way. I'm kinda glad that we weren't close...but then, maybe that was the problem, y'know."
"He didn't have friends?"
"I mean, I guess he did...I never went out with him except for after work stuff. We'd go to the bar, a few of us. Lunch. Things like that."
"Fuck, just can't believe it, you know. And you know what else is fucked up? This movie I watched yesterday, the guy jumps off a cliff. I wasn't expecting it either. Was still thinking about it before his mom - Charlie's mom -  called."
"Too soon, man. Come on."
"Sorry. Couldn't help it. Thought you'd appreciate the levity."
"Ha, okay."
"I guess I just don't see the...gravity of the situation."
"Yeah, you just don't understand the unbearable lightness of being."
"That sounds like something that Charlie had been confused about."
"Let's not dive into it just now."
"No, maybe we should talk about something more concrete."
"Alright, alright, that's enough for me. Poor guy."
"What are you gonna do, life gets us all."
"Not like that though man. That's, I don't know, for very special circumstances, I mean it seems like a copout."
"Did the mom tell you what the note said?"
"There was no note."

Replies to Doug 6