Doug 9: Weird

as reply to Doug 8

Marta worked nights at the police station. She liked those crime novels she liked murder podcasts, but most of all she needed the money.

"Its not anything like that." She would tell her friends. 

"Mostly boring." She would say. 

Her job was routine, she would enter in reports the officers would write the night before.
 Usually boring, routine a traffic stop here, a parking ticket there. There area wasn't big, and not a lot happened.

Once and awhile though when something came up she'd tell the girls. 

"Okay, I've got one. Pretty crazy. So. They found a guy on the sidewalk, a neighbor lady called it in, old woman, on a walk she couldn't sleep or something, maybe she woke up early."

"What do you mean on the sidewalke?" One of the girls said. 

"Like he was dead Clare." Marta said, and looked around at the girls to gauge their reaction. 

"Do you think it was a murder?" Another girl said. 

"I had the same idea, but they ruled it a suicide, but here's the thing I just don't get how they know, there was no note, they didn't even check for prints, also the report said the door was ajar. Like, who would leave their door ajar?"

The girls all talked and laughed about this. 

"But, hey girls, I need you to keep a secret, there gunna know its me if this gets out."

"It is weird it wasn't in the paper." Clare said.

"Even online." Miranda chimed in now her face lit up by the blue light, her reading glasses perched on her nose. 

"Weird." Marta said, and they were all quiet. 
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