A book I am reading, that I will attempt to emulate, is written almost as one long exhale with the only breaths as chapters, sentences span pages and pages, and all the while they tell stories that sound true but yet to crazy to be. Its hard, I don't even know how to think like this, or maybe its just a matter of removing periods. But a constant stream is challenging to keep up, and even when you do eventually get there to be able to ride it for the whole book is crazy, I guess editing and editing will help, but as an exercise abrahamKim says is good for you. I am trying it so I guess we will find out. I do recommend the book, thanks bovineilk for it. I was thinking today about getting lost, and I wonder if this stream of conciousness writing is sort of getting lost, or walking maybe taking a street you didn't go down before, I had a strange experience last week where I first walked by a party then I biked by, when I walked by I heard voices in another language and I could smell their food and it sounded so fun like the whole group was relaxing after a long day, and i could hear it in their voices, but when I biked by later I only got a whif of the smell and the sound, and if you asked me was it a party I couldnt tell you.
Lol I'm excited to read this. When we were in the writing club together I was obsessed with stream of consciousness. I'll have to attempt to write a stream to see how it goes.
Lately I've been thinking that actual stream of consciousness writing is more suited for private writing. Like in notes and stuff. And that consttructed stream of consciousness that reads like a stream of consciousness but was meticulously crafted is not something I'm a fan of creating lol
Lately I've been thinking that actual stream of consciousness writing is more suited for private writing. Like in notes and stuff. And that consttructed stream of consciousness that reads like a stream of consciousness but was meticulously crafted is not something I'm a fan of creating lol