That wasn't in the plan

as reply to comfort on the phone

Big Joe floored it, passing a semi and then tucking into an exit just in the nick of time. There weren't anyone following them, but he just wanted to be sure. 

"I still can't believe it." He said, he was gripping the steering wheel checking often the rear view mirror, no one exited behind them, he turned into the garage as it was opening. This is where the first transfer would happen. Here they would switch clothes, as well as cars. He had another friend, who always kept it stocked never asked questions. 

"You shouldn't have fucking done that. Its not right." He said again, but James didn't answer he was pre-occupied.

They got out of the car and he slammed the door, the garage door was safely down, so they could pull off their masks. They had to check the money, they did this in a sort of plastic chamber.

James slowly got out of the car. 

"Well get the cash, we gotta move. Stay in the heist clothes until you know the money's not marked. Then we switch."

Big Joe was restless he was pacing back and forth. 

"Come on come on. No Leave him in there."

James looked at him. 

"I said I was sorry."

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