should've went to college

as reply to That wasn't in the plan

The new car made the perfect getaway. Tinted windows. As dark as legally possible. Michelin tires. A nondescript beige color. 300 horses under the roof. Henry also had made sure that the gas tank was full. Not that Big Joe and his lackey would need the full tank to get where they were going next.

The key of a getaway was keeping it short. Pick a safehouse that was within 15 miles. Too close and you might find yourself trapped. Too far and you risked being stopped on the road. And if you could help it, have a backup safehouse.

Sometimes a safehouse would get compromised. You'd show up and the cops would already be there. Last thing you wanted was to be in a getaway car, lugging around 200 large in cash. Trying to find a place to hide out.You'd try to offer a random motel some cash to let you stay. to stay quiet. But you'd see it in their eyes. They'd know what you were up to.

When Big Joe and James arrived at the safehouse dressed in their new clothes, the cops were already there. Big Joe drove past without stopping.

He drove two miles west. Got out of the car.

"What's going on?"

"Shut up."

Big Joe took out a tent. Then setup. They were in a bad part of town. A lot of tents. Homeless people. Now the outfits made sense. Big Joe assembled the tent and then told James to get in.

How long would they hide in there? James wondered. Hopefully not long.

"We'll stay here until the heat dies down." Big Joe said. But it was cold. A different kind of heat would need to die down. But with three dead... it might not be for a few days. James was nervous.

Had he gotten into the wrong lifepath? And for what? Because he lost Big Joe's lighter that one time? He should've just went to college like his parents told him. So what if he'd be in debt. It'd be better than pretending to be a hobo, with a dead woman's dog... sleeping in a tent under a bridge. What had his life come to?

The only thing that consoled him was the million in cash in the duffle bag.
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