He got up. Laying in bed made him sick and he couldn't fall asleep. He was too drunk. Maybe the last three or four beers that done him in. Otherwise he would probably be sleeping right now. A shitty sleep, but at least some shuteye.
Aaron's snoring filled the otherwise quiet apartment. The only other sound was the radiator coming to a crackle occasionally and the fridge's hum. Jack and Imogen slept quiet like mice on christmas eve.
Being in the darkness here surrounded by others sleeping in peace made him anxious. So he stepped outside. He'd take a walk. Not a long one. He threw on a coat.
When he opened the door to the outside he saw a puff of air.
"Greetings, Alan. Didn't expect to see you out here."
"Yeah. Same. What you up to?"
"Couldn't sleep. You?"
"Same. Too drunk."
"I wish I had that problem. I actually can't sleep well in general."
"No shit? Sorry to hear that."
"Thanks. It's something I had since high school."
Sean went back to sitting on the steps leading up to their apartment.
"Mind if I sit next to you?"
The lamps on their street cast a nice orange, yellow glow. Nights like these, probably only two cars drove by the whole night.
"That was a fun night."
"Indeed. Thanks for joining us. You and your friends."
"Thanks for taking us along. You know I've been meaning to talk to you. Just never got the chance."
"That's funny. Now you'll have a reason to say hi next time. We should do this again."
"For sure," Alan said. He stared out. Wishing that he could smoke a cigarette. But he knew it would make him puke. His ears were still ringing. He could still hear
Mr. Brightside
. But he wasn't sad. He was happy. Images of him, Jack, Aaron, and Imogen dancing together arms locked slipping into his mind in between enjoying the orange casted cracked asphalt of the street beside Sean.