Something Like That

as reply to just like back in high school

Before she went one guy noticed her, well more her car. Light blue just drove up and parked. People that like to be left alone park there. Away from the drive through. They can pretend they wanted to go in but got distracted.

He took a drag from his cigarette, he should report the car, ask her to leave but honestly he didn’t care. The reason he took out the trash was to squeeze a bit more time outside away from the grill, and everything that comes with it. The heat the smell and the grease. 

He spat on the ground.

He didn’t know that she was making one of the biggest decisions of her life. How could he? He took a breathe of smoke. Envied her and he freedom. There was about 5 minutes left he could milk out of his break. He checked his watch, a gift from his grandpa. 

He went back to the door jammed open with a bag of trash. And slowly walked one bag at a time out the dumpster. Pausing to re light his cigarette or to check his phone. Not that anyone said much. 

It was an abnormally sunny day. Sparse clouds gently rolled across the sky not seeming to be in a hurry for anything. 

He took another bag out a threw it in the dumpster. He liked the light ones. Full of paper wrappers. He hated the great ones leaving those for the end. 

Across the street at Chip’s there were 5 black cars. Strange what are the chances of that. 5 black cars must be a funeral he thought. That’s the last time he saw something like that.
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