the best thing

as reply to Everyone was Awake

When Alan came to he looked over at Aaron. Looked tired. Finally.

"Morning, sunshine."

It was still dark. Techno was on. Alan was still tired as fuck. He was so sleepy so he passed out. But his body didn't feel rested. The chair in the car was okay for a quick nap. But definitely not a full night's rest.

Aaron looked over at him. "You should take over soon."

"What? Shouldn't we stop somewhere?"

"Nah. You just slept! Let's keep going. I'll just sleep in the car while you drive.

Alan didn't like the idea of this. But he was too tired to fight back. He would rather just drive. A thought continued in his head. Imogen where are you? Imogen what are you doing?

He didn't think she was in Kansas. Thought she was someplace so far from Kansas that he and Aaron wouldn't know how to begin going about looking for her after they arrived in Kansas. This worried him. Was driving all the way out there a waste of time? Probably.

But wasting time was just what he wanted right now. Didn't want to stay at home brooding. This was the best thing to do.

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