I had a different topic planned, but then abrahamKim asked for feedback, which somehow I seem to have an endless supply of.
So what do I do when I first get to Adagia? I hit the Read button. Maybe this is just what I'm used to from the 200WAD days. I like to see the main feed first. Tunnel vision to the bell to see if I have any notifications. Then I take a look at what other people have written. I realize this is the opposite of what Abe is nudging people toward. Write first...pay the piper and then your reward can be to read notifications and other posts. Well, I don't need nudging, do I? But that's just me.
I generally write one-offs, or as I may start calling them "two-ons." When I click the Write button, I want to be taken straight to the blank page so I can start cranking away. If I decide I'm going to write a post in a collection/project, then I want an easy way to get to my projects and go in through that door. Some projects/collections are just posts on a related topic but not sorted in any particular order. If a project is written in sequential order, I want to be able to see the last post so that I can use that as the jumping-off point for the next one. I also want to have easy access to my drafts in case there's one in there I'd like to finish.
I'm not sure the purpose of the individual projects listed under the Projects menu. When I select one, it just takes me to a plain page where I suppose I start another post. I like the Project Dashboard where I can see all projects, click on a project, and see all the posts within that project.
I also like the idea of perma-menu. The main menu stays for many pages, but it disappears sometimes. Oh, and the pantry leaderboards flash too fast for me to even read them.